Please note: while we are happy for you to have this music for free, as are our artists; this page does not support deep linking.
Whilst some record companies freak out at the thought of free downloads, we're not like that. In fact, we have the intelligence to realise that this is how many people consume music. We are, after all, a record company, not a collection of Ostriches.
"Heart of the Land, Soul of the Sea is an eloquent piece of work composed by a band of eloquent people and quite possibly the loveliest album I have heard all year."
Last Battle -'Cutlass.' mp3

This is the opening track on the EP:
Factory Kids -'They Used To Call Me Baby.' mp3

Our first signing from Dundee, The Wildhouse , issued Precise Running Order - The Wildhouse Sampler through 17 Seconds. This is a track they would like to make available for free:
The Wildhouse -'Ficca.' mp3

Chris Bradley will release his new album At The Outpost on March 2010. The single 'Bored Little Rosie' coupled with 'The Man I Love' is out now, and 'Waltzing' available from our store
Chris is a generous soul and would like to give you this track 'Golden Girl' for free.
Chris Bradley -'Golden Girl.' mp3

As a free Christmas present, (although available throughout the entire year) we'd like to give you 17SEC2 'Life Support Machine' by X-Lion Tamer.
X-Lion Tamer - Life Support Machine. mp3
Our first signing Edinburgh legends Aberfeldy!
Music is streaming over at our myspace page:
Come over, hear the singles, and make friends...
The two albums, three EPs and six singles we have released so far are available on iTunes, eMusic, Napster, MSN, Tiscali, Oxfam, and Sonic Selector.
The physical releases can be brought in all good record shops -ask them to order it if they don't have it in!